Friday, July 13, 2012


Yes, I am going to go on a tiny tangent read or don't.

Okay yes, I am all for clean eating and I think it is best to make your own foods etc. I really think that it makes you more accountable for yourself and your body. With that being said I would like to say that most of the people who practice clean eating piss me off. They say things that make anyone who doesn't follow the clean eating regime to a T like crap. Yes, I agree processed foods are not the best for you or your body because they tend to carry a lot of empty calories and I don't like empty calories at all because I like making sure my body is getting everything it needs. However, sometimes you know what I want a damn pepsi or a bag of sour patch kids or bacon real pig bacon wrapped around a jalapeno filled with cream cheese and baked yeah that is awesomeness right sorry I love bacon. Anyways back to what I was saying it isn't cheating to me to drink a pepsi or eat some candy it is just a part of life it isn't like I do it everyday okay yeah the pepsi thing has been daily but meh bite me. I don't need to hear someone say "You can't out run a bad diet" well guess what @$$hat my diet hasn't really changed since I started losing weight and I have lost 200 pounds so, I guess that means I am doing what you say isn't possible. It just pisses me off instead of them trying to teach moderation and healthier choices for the things you love they are like "Drop it like a hot potato or you suck at life" No, you do not suck at life if you eat out or drink a soda or eat a bag of sour patch kids in 2.5 seconds. You are human and as long as you are not gorging yourself on crap food and you are making good choices those things can still be a part of your life. Also please remember most of these people don't have a degree in nutrition whereas my Dad's endocrinology nutritionist does as does his other general nutritionist and BOTH said "Everything in moderation if you want to have a beer on Friday night and a slice of pizza eat well the whole day make sure you don't exceed your calorie intake and workout a little longer everything you eat should be thought of as fuel for your machine but, sometimes we all need something bad to make us remember we are alive."

Rant Over if I upset you put on your big girl/boy panties and move on.

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