Monday, July 16, 2012

Country Girl?

I wouldn't go that far when talking about me. Yes, I have come back to my roots and I enjoy camping. I liked listening to my ex-boyfriend tell me about his hunting excursions and how he couldn't wait to take me hunting. I was even looking forward to our first hunting trip when everything went pear-shaped and we had to many outside forces pulling us in other directions to be fair to one another to stay in a relationship with one another. I also listen to country music and have a thing for a man with a slow southern drawl. However, I would not call me a country girl. I like the city because I have lived in the country and the city and I just feel safer in the city. I blame all those horror movies out in the woods. Then the whole no one is gonna hear you scream that far out etc.

So, today when I was called a country girl I was taken a back a bit. I have always been more city than country I thought. However, according to this person I am more down to Earth than a city girl I don't know what is going on with Celebrities unless I hear it on the morning radio or someone talks about it to me. I don't know much about the newest fashion trends or anything that is mainstream I suppose. I do however know what Obamacare says (read the whole damn thing) I know how to clean my gun how to check and change my oil if need be. I also can do some minor construction work. I am not afraid to grab a how to book or youtube video of something I need to fix ex I replaced my side view mirror all on my onsey. I have no huge issue with seeing a man or a woman walking down the street with a gun unless they look like a thug then I wonder what is going down. I don't care about people smoking or drinking (so long as they don't drive). I figure what people do is their business not mine unless they are breaking the law and believe you me I will call the cops. I like beer and whiskey but not a big fan of wine. I don't like clubs but, I do like honky tonk type bars. I prefer a nice hike outside in the mountains or at the beach to a fancy dinner. I would rather watch a movie at home and cook a meal to a dinner and a movie date. All this to them made me a country girl.

What do you think make a girl a "country girl?" =)


  1. This is a really awesome blog!! Excited I found it :)


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