Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weight Loss Tips: Weight Loss Visual Aid

1 stone per pound.
I was asked to give some weight loss tips today by a friend who was inspired to lose weight by me hitting my 200lb mark today. Her asking questions about my weight loss tips gave me an idea to start blogging about some of my favorite weight loss helpers.
I started using these jars to help me visualize the weight I still have to lose. I started out with my weight at 220lbs and am shooting for 140lbs by the end of the year.So into the Weight to Lose Jar I put 80 stones to start out with. As of today you can see from the jars that I am halfway towards my goal. I put these two jars in my bathroom where I have to see them every time I enter my bathroom for anything. Strangely having the constant reminder of where I want  to be. It is a constant reminder of my goals and is one of my newest and favorite weight loss helpers.


  1. Cool idea! So, do you transfer one for every 5 lbs lost or what?

  2. It is 1lb per stone. =) I just have in the jars my weight loss for this year.


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