Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Today I officially hit the 200lbs lost mark. No, this does not account for muscle gained because truthfully it is too much math for me to deal with anymore lol. I have 40lbs to lose still to hit my goal weight and you know what I am going to do it =).

I started this journey because I knew I was unhealthy and I wanted to become healthy again. Most of my motivation came from me missing who I was before my abusive Ex-Husband. I know what made me who I was had nothing to do with my weight but, it had everything to do with my health. I was always pretty athletic I swam, I played water polo, and I surfed. I loved being outside and doing things and with the weight gain I hated being outside. I hated me. I didn't want to look in the mirror I didn't want to go out because I didn't want people to see me. Which in the end kept me from the things I loved the things that made me, me.

When I look at me before I don't recognize that person and it isn't even just because of how much I have lost it has so much to do with my facial expressions. I had no joy in my smile my eyes were dead. I was the living dead. I can honestly say now when people see me who knew me from back in the "bad" days they always say "Whoa! You smile!" which is sad in a way but, it shows how much for me my weight was holding me back. I was not happy in the slightest with my life and now I am.

So, yes for me today is a HUGE day hitting that 200lb mark means I am just 40lbs from the goal I set over 2 years ago. I am no health nut either which I think is what shocks people. I am the biggest advocate for moderation. I eat pizza, hot wings, and cheese burgers. I even drink beer and not that sissy low cal beer either. I also occasionally drink whiskey and scotch. I love my life and even with the "bad" foods I am losing and more healthy today than ever.


  1. That is positively amazing! You're looking soooo good now (not that you were looking bad before but you know what I mean)!

  2. Thanks Jenn =) I know what you mean


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