Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Me exactly 2 years apart on my weight loss journey.

Everyone always looks at me and only seems to see what weight I still have left to go. I rarely hear about how far I have come so, when someone tells me wow you look great it is a nice shock to me. The biggest shock to my system was a friend of mine who has been around me since I started losing weight telling me on Monday "You can tell you've lost weight you are looking good." This comment was so shocking because this friend has not once mentioned my weight loss even though I have gone from 380 pounds down to 183 and have gained in between then and now over 50 pounds of muscle. When I told this person that I have lost 40 pounds since January they got a shocked look on their face and said "Wow keep going you are going to be super hot when you're done." I didn't know why those words from them made me decide that I really need to push myself harder to finish losing the weight then
May 5, 2012 40 ponds lost sine October
I realized it is because they never compliment me. 20 years of friendship and they have rarely complimented me. I guess that is what makes it mean more. I don't mean that this person puts me down by saying they don't compliment either they don't do that either. This person is simply awesome and no matter what I love them and always will. I just realize that for them to compliment me means something more than most because they don't pass out compliments very often. I am so, happy that them giving me a rare compliment has made me want to push harder for what I want for me just to make them proud of me. I know it is silly but, it matters to me. Plus I would be doing it no matter what I just sometimes need that extra push.

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