Friday, June 1, 2012

Weight Loss Tip: Measurments

How to take your measurements
So, far I have talked about my visual weight loss jars and my food diary. Now I am going to talk about what has kept  me sane through out this whole ordeal. I know everyone seems to think that weight is the end all be all of weight loss well NEWSFLASH it really isn't. What has kept me sane is keeping my measurements. Why has this kept me sane? It has kept me sane because with working out you will be gaining muscle, muscle weighs the same as fat but, it takes up less space in the body. Yes, I know everyone has had muscle weighs more than fat but, come on people use some logic 1lb =1lb logic always wins out.  If that is hard to think about look at the picture below or think about how many marshmallows it would take to weigh the same as a tiny apple or how many sticks of butter to weight the same as a hand weight. The fat (marshmallow and butter) take up more space than the muscle (apple and hand weight) meaning that muscle is more dense. So, even though I was seeing gain on the scale I was seeing shrink in my waist, hips, thighs, arms, etc (not so much in the chest lol) knowing this keeps me sane every step of the way since I am still losing weight. I know that even if my weight goes up so, long as my measurements don't go up I am happy and I know I am still losing. I think this is why so many people lose hope and faith in themselves because after the initial loss of fat they start to gain awesome muscle or they start gaining before any loss. I still have a weight goal that I really want to hit but, I also have a measurement goal and that goal is more important to me than the weight goal. I mean come on I wanna be hot not anorexic looking lol.

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