Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weight Loss Tip: Water

We have all been told our whole lives that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. We know we are supposed to drink water and yet we don't. Why is that? It is because water is boring and we as a people don't like boring. Believe me drinking water was my biggest struggle until I started keeping my food diary and seeing how many empty calories a day went to soda and other sugary drinks. However, that is not the only reason I am a huge advocate for water it is because hydration is SO important to your body period. We are 70% water for a reason and that reason is our bodies stop functioning without enough water. We as human beings can live for 3 to 5 days without water but, can also die from dehydration within a few hours in hotter climates. The interesting thing about our bodies though is that people have lived up to 8 weeks or longer without food as long as they were hydrated. No, I am not saying try this at home either come on people not eating is no way to lose weight you actually will retain weight when you starve yourself but, that is for another time. Every single system in our bodies relies on water to do what needs to be done to keep us living.

Now I that I have gone on a long tiring diatribe about why water is important to your body for functionality now I want to talk about why it is good for weight loss well besides the obvious. Most of the time the reason we think we are hungry is because we really need water. This is why so many weight loss sites say "Drink a glass of water before you eat" it isn't to fill up your stomach but, to make sure you are in fact hungry and not thirsty. I drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day sometimes even a gallon depending on what my body needs that day. The more you sweat the more you need to hydrate. The biggest downside to this healthy choice is I seriously pee all day long but, I also get confused for a 21 year old all the time because with good hydration comes awesome skin =).

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