Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weight Loss Tips: Motivation

Tonight I have decided to talk about motivation. We all have different reasons why we want to lose weight but, what keeps us going when it gets hard is where motivation comes into play. For me when I first started losing weight I hung a shirt on the back of my door that I really wanted to fit into. This shirt was an Mens XL Pepsi shirt. It took me about 4 months to fit into the shirt.I still remember how I felt the day I fit into my first goal shirt I was ecstatic I jumped up and down and knew I could finish the race at that point because I had already come so far. You see when I tried on the shirt for the first time I couldn't even pull it down over my belly. I was embarrassed to see myself in it when I first tried it on and I was determined to fit into it. Every day I had to look at that shirt hanging on the back of my door and it made me think about how I wanted to fit into it and how I wanted to be healthier. That is what motivated me to keep going on the days where all I really wanted to do was sit around and be lazy. However, having that shirt staring at me from the back of my door made me work out every night. Which as I said before paid off within 4 months I was wearing my Pepsi shirt. I was even happier the day my Pepsi shirt became so, big on me that it became a sleep shirt.

I still do this with shirts and most recently a pair of pants. My hook fell off of my door so, I can't hang them there right now but, I still have them in my closet. The shirt is a Juniors XL and the pants are a Juniors 13. I can almost button the pants and the shirt fits just a little too tight for my liking. Which tells me I am getting that much closer to where I want to be.

Another thing I do to motivate myself is to post workouts that I am doing on my wall across from my bed so, I have to look at them. It makes me go "Damn it I have to work out still" on the days where I come home and just want to curl up in bed and die for the night. Now that is not to say that I hate working out because I don't I actually enjoy all of my workouts which I switch up quite often to keep me interested in them. I have some very favorite workouts that I will be talking about later on so, for now I am just going to keep it to how I motivate myself. With having to look at workouts that I love and those that I want to check out it makes me remember "No, Pain No, Gain" so, I get my lazy butt up and out of the bed and do my workout. I make sure to do my workout everyday some days I do longer workouts than other nights but, for the most part I do a 30 minute workout. Which without my little motivational helpers I might not do.

My last motivational tool that is by far the best is my friends. I have some AWESOME friends let me repeat that I have some AWESOME friends! My friends will ask me if I have worked out at some point through out the day. Also if I ever say I don't want to work out they will say who cares do it! Remember you wanna be a hottie! They are all happy with who I am right now but, they all know that I want to get to my healthy weight and be the girl who lived the life she wanted to. They are my best weight loss tool. Which is why I am always the biggest motivator for everyone else in my life in the same situation as me. I will and do use tough love quite often and my awesome people have been known to use it on me as well. Sometimes it is the kick in the ass that I really do need and we all need.

Motivation is what will keep you going when things get hard and believe me things will get hard at some point. Find your motivation and push yourself as hard as you can to be the you that you want to be. I will be here for you as much as I can =)


  1. Motivation is one of my hardest to deal with too, lack of it is usually my biggest culprit in quiting. I have some BEAUTIFUL sundresses my G'Mother gave me and I'm DETERMINED to fit into them this year, luckily I'm not far off from fitting in them, so I should be able to soon. Also, I've learned to take baby steps with goals...aim for the little goals, the ones that are fairly easy to overcome which will make you happier and will motivate you to go to the next goal. :-)

    1. That first shirt I went from maybe a XXL to an XL. Not too big of a size jump really considering now I wear a men's Medium or small and mostly that is just because I am a 36 H cup.It is all about setting realistic goals. My end goal isn't anything crazy it is losing 5 inches in my thighs and 5 inches in my waist.


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