Friday, June 15, 2012

Eating Crap

Last nights meal 2500 calories
Last night I didn't update and there is a very good reason why. I felt like death! So, I curled up and went to bed. Now you might be wondering "Why did you feel like death?" Here is the answer I ate absolute crap for dinner. Was it yummy yes, was it the right thing for me to eat N-O! I have gotten so used to eating well and healthy that when I make poor food choices my whole body decides to revolt. Morale of the story is once you start eating good your body doesn't want the bad stuff in it. However, this does make it easier for me to eat healthier. I have been downing water all day long just to try and get my body happier and tomorrow it looks like I am going to be starting on a huge veggie bender with some fruits maybe. Also even more water than normal. My body is absolutely miserable and I have to fix it and the only way to do that is to get good stuff into it again so, that I can purge the crap.

It has to be said though that sampler was awesome and almost worth the miserable tummy I have had all day long.

Here's to a better tomorrow with some healthy eats =)

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