Sunday, June 17, 2012

Heat exhaustion

Today I did some volunteer work which is normally no big deal but, where I was working today was hot and we had no fan in our part of the warehouse. It sucked and I started feeling really crummy. By the time my shift was over I realized I was suffering from Heat exhaustion. I am really susceptible to this condition because of my body being as weird as it is and not sweating properly. I swear with as many weird issues as I have with my body it is a wonder I am still alive lol. Anyways I was slamming back water like crazy while volunteering and on the way home. When I got home I slammed some more water and made me a glass of Coconut water. Why coconut water and not Gatorade you ask? Well I can't drink Gatorade remember how I keep saying my body is a very "picky temple" well I have a lot of chemical allergies which means I found out by trial and error that Gatorade wants to kill me as do most of the other sports drinks out there. So, why coconut water? Well it is a natural Gatorade even though you can read a ton of articles saying it isn't as good as sports drinks because of it's low sodium content well I just ate some potato chips with my Coconut water and water. I finally started feeling better after I nursed my Coconut water down. I really like the flavor of it and since it does perk me up after losing so much water I will continue to use it over the artificial crap in sports drinks.

Yeah, I didn't workout today but, I did work my tail off moving boxes and running stuff for 6 hours straight so I think I am good on that count lol.

Stay hydrated everyone on these hot summer days to come. =)

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