Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I did this =)

Okay so tonight I did this workout and I really liked it. I am really enjoying all of their you tube videos. I am also loving their free recipes that they have scattered throughout their blog and throughout the web. This workout was fairly easy for me to do much like some of the others I have tried like Cowabunga, Tone Up your ARMS for summer! :), and Sunkissed Abs . I have loved all of them and felt the burn. I am really happy I stumbled across them on Pinterest because it is making workout more fun and interesting for me. I also like the recipes they have online because of my new diet which I will write about a little later on. There is a huge why behind my new diet and weight loss plan.

Sorry for skipping days too by the way. I just have been slammed with school and volunteering which will be another post later on this week. =)

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