Friday, June 22, 2012

Hell Week

This week I started my physics class and it isn't really that bad I am that freak who actually enjoys physics. It is just that it starts at 7:30am which means I have to leave the house no later than 6:30am to get there on time and find parking. Add on to that I am still working until next week when I get my unpaid 6 week vacation. Then add on my volunteering that ends tomorrow night at 5 and you can see why I have been a bit pressed for time the last week. I promise next week to be a little better about updating. I have just been exhausted when I get home and still having homework to do has made it that much worse. I am not a happy person when I sleep less than 8 hours a night lol.

1 comment:

  1. Just READING about your schedule is tiring LOL


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