Sunday, June 24, 2012

I hate life...

Yep, you read that right. Now here is why. I am allergic to shellfish and someone yesterday gave me an egg roll I asked "What's in it?" they replied "Meat and veggies" I asked "Any shellfish?" They replied "No" So, I ate said egg roll and then started feeling quite off only to find out that yes indeed it did have crab in it. Thank GOD it was a small amount so, no hospital visit for me just two days of my whole body being pissed off at the world.

I am always so careful about eating other peoples food that I know to those who know me this incident comes as a shock. I mean I have the rule if I can't see inside of it I don't eat it unless I am the one who made it or I watched it being made. Anyways I apparently decided to be too nice yesterday and I am paying for it. I have hives in weird places food is the devil everything hurts. I just want to cry.

Also before anyone asks yes, I am among the few that an epipen can actually kill instead of save because it sends my heart rate through the roof. What can I say my body likes being difficult.

All this sickness means is that I will not be working out for about a week and God only knows what I am going to find to eat and keep down until I can get my body back on track. So, I will do updates not on what I am doing this week but, on just information that I have learned through out my new journey.

Moral of the story here is if someone asks you about something they are most likely allergic so be up front and honest about the food on their plate. Of course the moral could also be trust no one. lol Happy days to you all =)

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