Monday, June 25, 2012

Feed me Seymour

Just cause I feel like Audrey II when I want to eat everything
Hunger was my biggest struggle when I first started on this journey and it still is some days. I don't like to feel hungry. I don't think anyone enjoys that to be honest but, sometimes it just happens. Today was one of those days for me and I did not eat as well as I should but, oh well if you read the post before this I have been sick which means no eating really so, I am good lol. Anyway when these days normally hit me I do something crazy and I eat as much food as it takes to fill me up with as much water as I can take in

Yes, you just read that right I give into temptation and eat like the fat kid I am but, unlike a fat kid I don't gorge myself on cake. I pick healthy choices like carrots, apples, celery, salad, etc. That really makes the difference. I typically still stay within my daily calorie intake and all of my other goals for the day. I also drink at least 2 glasses of water before I will fix myself a meal just to make sure I am not overly thirsty.

At the end of my "Feed me" days I normally don't feel very good because I have consumed so, much food but, I am not longer hungry which makes me happy. I also don't beat myself up over them because I do tend to make sure and eat healthy foods on my binge like eating kicks. I also understand that my body does this because it is needing something that it hasn't been getting so, I try and figure out what I have been lacking. I also as a woman look at what time of the month it is because believe me that does play a role in everything you do.

In the end on a "Feed me" day all you can do is try and make the best choices possible and try to not make a habit out of them. Figure out what your body is lacking that is making you feel so ravenous and fix the problem. =)


  1. I've also heard that if you're craving sweets, that it's ok and even a good idea, to 'splurge' and indulge yourself every once in awhile. If you deny yourself those occasionally sweets, you could go overboard later on.

  2. I am not talking about sweets I am not a big sweet eater. I am talking about just wanting to eat and eat and never getting full. However it is a good idea to if you want something like chocolate to take a chocolate bar and break it into four pieces and only eat one piece. That way you get your sweet craving and you don't blow your whole day.

  3. I know, I just mentioned the sweets for anyone that may be reading that had a sweet tooth, to not feel quilty or like they had "failed" if they had "given in" to the craving for sweets.


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