Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fitness Tip: Sleep take 2

Early this morning I tried to write an entry about sleep clearly I needed to get some sleep so here is take two.

Your body needs sleep we all know this we get tired we crave our bed and nothing else will do until we curl up under the covers and get some Zs. Our bodies need sleep for just basic survival but, did you know getting a good nights sleep can actually help you lose weight? Well according to Science Daily

"When dieters got adequate sleep, however, more than half of the weight they lost was fat. When they cut back on their sleep, only one-fourth of their weight loss came from fat."

Well that tells me that when you don't get the right amount of sleep you aren't losing the fat that you want to lose. They call the other portion of weight lost "fat-free body mass". To me knowing the things that I know just from my Anatomy and Physiology classes is that weight loss that isn't fat can include muscle and I am not just talking skeletal muscle. Your organs are muscle and according to Livestrong.com that is exactly what they are talking about when they say fat-free body mass. There are other things counted under that title but, you have a fine line to walk between having too little and too much of your fat-free body mass.

That is where sleep comes in like I stated before sleeping the correct amount of time caused the people within the study quoted at Science daily to lose more fat; and isn't that what we are wanting to lose? Also within the article over at Science daily they go on to say those who slept 8 hours a night weren't as hungry as those who slept less. Well we all know the hungrier we are the more likely we are to eat more than we need for survival. Basically getting a good nights sleep will not only have you wake up feeling fresh as a daisy but, will turbo boost your fat loss and make sure you don't over eat making losing weight that much nicer.

So, go to bed get some good sleep your waistline will thank you. =)

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