Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Okay today I got sent a link in my email about a playlist on self magazine's site which then lead me to Runhundred's site both said BPM next to the song but, I had no freaking clue what BPM meant so, I looked it up. BPM means Beats Per Minute. Well then I read a bit more and apparently the higher the BPM the faster you run so, that got me thinking about how to make my own playlist of songs I actually like and not just some song that is from the radio that is fast and I found this site if you know the name of the artist and the song it will tell you the BPM. So, now I am planning on going through my Itunes and making a playlist that goes from low to high back to low for my running workouts. The first low would be my warm up the high would be my going at my right heart rate (hopefully) and the next low would be my cool down. I am kind of excited about it. Mainly because I plan on  doing a country running list of at least 10 songs.

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