Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lock your doors

Okay so, I live in a pretty okay neighborhood but, it is  California so we do this thing called lock our doors at all times. Anyways I am home alone today which is very unusual so, I decided to clean the floor which means I cleaned it the right way on my hands and knees with a bucket Cinderella style. Anyways I took out our trash before hand and unlocked the door came back in and got down to business and cleaned the floor. When I finished I came into my room to continue watching Kyle XY (awesome show btw) I walk down the hall to get some more water (it is 104 here so I am chuggin the water) when I hear what sounds like the door opening so, I walk up to the door because it wasn't open. I looked through the peep hole to see some creepy looking dude at my door. I leaned into the door a bit more and my door completely shut which made creepy look at my door like it was going to bite him. He then stood there and he was just creeping me out so, what do I say "I have a gun." and I tapped my water bottle lid against the door hoping that it would sound like metal on metal creepy dude got the hint and walked away. I was shocked that I said it as calmly as I did because I was really shaky because he just really wigged me out and I have lived in the ghetto my whole life I don't get creeped out easily. About an hour or so later I hear my neighbors pull up so, I went out to get the mail and went to unlock the door just to realize that I never locked the door from taking out the trash earlier. Which sent a cold chill through me because my interaction with creepy dude could have gone a completely different route had I not been in the right place at the right time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Definitely creepy! I'm horrible about shutting and locking doors, I feel claustrophobic so they're open more than shut, they're only locked at night and when we leave or if I'm napping or in the shower. I guess I feel somewhat safe b/c the big dogs sound a warning, that and I have nosey neighbors LOL


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