Monday, July 9, 2012

Self Bikini Ready Fast


Okay I really don't have much to say tonight about this DVD I really liked it. I ended up not being able to do the whole thing because I got way too hot. It was 101 today and since we don't run the air conditioner it made for a very hot me so, tomorrow I am going to try and get up early in the AM before class and do this. We will see if that happens since I am really not much of a morning person plus I like to workout right before bedtime because I seem to get the best results for my body doing that.

Now that I have said that I like to work out at night I want to share something I have learned. It doesn't matter when you work out because everybody is different. Some people do best working out in the morning others the afternoon and others still in the evening. I have tried finding out from a credible source what time is best for everyone and no one seems to agree lol This leads me to believe that working out no matter what time of day so long as you are doing something is the best time to workout.

Stay cool and hydrated everyone I know I am going to try =)

BTW I drank a gallon of water today plus a pepsi (I know boo whatever) and two 8 ounce cans of all natural juices and I am about to drink at least another half liter of water before bed.

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