Sunday, July 8, 2012

I workout

I realized I haven't really been talking about my workouts on here lately. Well tonight I will to the right you will see an Elliptical it was cheap from wal*mart meaning it fit into my budget. Mine is named George. Yes, I name my inanimate objects I have a GPS named Georgia Penelope  S****** and my turtle friend who is also my refillable air freshener is named Nelson. It just sounds way more fun when you say "I have a date with George" or "Oh I am just taking a trip with Georgia and Nelson" instead of saying "I am gonna go work out on the elliptical" or "I am driving to God knows where with my GPS and my air freshener to keep me company" Call me weird whatever at least I have fun with the mundane aspects of my life. However, to my favorite friends upset I have still not named my gun because I can't seem to be able to get to the range to fire her off for the first time. I was supposed to go with my Ex-boyfriend but, that didn't happen then I got sick and it was the last thing on my mind. Now, I just need someone who is handy with a gun to give me some of their precious time and take me but, anyways I am getting off track here. Back to my elliptical George. I have a date with George every night where we run till I am out of breath and dying which normally takes about 30 minutes. I burn around 500 calories on the calorie timer and run between 3 and 5 miles according to what I could find out online about figuring that out. It is my cardio not my favorite cardio but, it is cardio none the less. I sweat like a whore in church and end up drinking at least a liter of water during and after my workout. Hydration is key to weight loss.

Now to what George and I do it is called HIIT High Intensity Interval Training which means I run as hard as I can for a certain amount of time (1min normally) then run at a slower pace for the same length of time and keep doing that for my 30 minutes with some days doing a longer slower pace then my fast pace because puking is not fun. I really do enjoy doing the HIIT style workouts I feel like I am getting more bang for my buck with them and you can find all sorts of HIIT workouts online to do. I still do my yoga, pilates, toning, etc. depending on my mood that day and those last for about 30 minutes. Tomorrow I will be starting a new DVD which is 30 mins. I will talk more about that tomorrow.

In the end you can do crazy workouts like Insanity or you can walk around the neighborhood everyday and watch what you eat or even do something in between like I do. I truly don't care what anyone does because in reality at least you are doing something to make yourself happier and healthier and that is the best thing to do. =)

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