Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today instead of running 3 miles like I did yesterday with some toning exercises I went swimming. Yep, those are my white legs in the picture with my 1 blue toe nail. Don't judge I have a reason for having only one blue toe nail and it is very good. I got lazy and went to bed after it dried and I decided I liked the color lol. Told you it was a good reason. =)

I had a lot of fun swimming and laying out getting a little bit of sun; which actually made me feel quite a bit better. See this morning I woke up feeling ill got to class and went full on exorcist. That meant I came home and took a shower and went to bed. Woke up feeling better and when I was invited to go swimming I decided might as well. Back to the sun. As you can probably tell by my actually somewhat tan legs (yes, I am ghost white naturally) I do not go in the sun very often. Since I began to feel better from laying out in the sun it made me think about how the sun is actually somewhat important to our health and well being. We all know or at least should know that we get vitamin D from the sun which according to this article is the most important vitamin for the body also according to my Anatomy book. Vitamin D helps with bones and our immune system. Which makes me wonder if why I was feeling so yucky is because I needed some sun.

Having said I was out in the sun I will also state I never go in the sun without sunblock on period. Skin cancer is a risk when one goes in the sun and acquires a sunburn. Yes, we need sun but not enough to make us turn red like lobsters. Be smart and wear sunblock =)

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