Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Today we celebrate America's Independence from a King who was taxing his people into poverty. Yes, I do find the irony in those words today after having a President for the past 4 years who has written and passed bills to do the exact same thing. However, I digress. Today we are meant to celebrate the men and women who have fought and who have died for our glorious country so, that we can have freedom. Which is the highest commodity that there is. I am proud to be an American citizen and I have traveled a little bit of this world to know that America really is something special and she is worth celebrating what she stands for.

Today since it is a Wednesday and I have class tomorrow we celebrated very low key. My Mom made cheeseburgers and my Da made dip. Avocado and onion dip to be more on point. Then since about an hour before sundown we have been playing Gunshot or Firework. Yeah it is my least favorite game to play on this holiday 1 because people shouldn't be stupid and firing a gun willy nilly and 2 fireworks are illegal here because of how dry it is. To the right I have posted a picture of a small section of our fair city to show how close everyone is together the whole city looks like this until you hit the next then it looks like this too and so on and so forth very little open space. However, since whenever this was taken on google earth everyone has pretty much got a brown yard because of the water rationing.  I am not a party pooper by any means if you want to fire your gun for fun go to the range if you want to set off fireworks do it where it is legal. There is just too much at stake when you do these things in the improper places. I am all about safe and sane but, since fireworks are ILLEGAL in our county for good reason (fires for those who don't know) I wish people would just follow the law.

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