Monday, June 4, 2012

Body Type Exercises

Exercises for Mesomorph Body Types
Mesos are all muscle—when they’re fit, at least. They lose weight and build muscle easily, so they tend to be pretty buff broads. However, they also gain weight easily, so their biggest pitfall is that their weight can fluctuate often. They tend to maintain good muscle tone, so it can be easy to go awhile without working out. To really stay healthy and fit, mesos need to keep at it.
Common complaint: Mesos are often worried about getting too bulky. Stretching will help lengthen muscles, making your body appear slimmer and taller—not bulky at all!
Best asset: You lose fat and build muscle quickly, so you’ll see great muscle tone in little time.
Nutrition tip: “Muscles store glycogen from carbohydrates, which can make you look bloated,” Hodgson explains. “Focus your diet on lean proteins and vegetables, especially in the evenings. If you add a starch, use quinoa, which is technically a complete protein, not a grain.”
Best cardio exercise: Mesos sometimes struggle with cardio (they’re built for heavy lifting), but incorporating it into your workout is important for heart health. “High-intensity interval training—short bursts of speed with cool-down walks in between—is most efficient,” says Hodgson. “Aim for about twenty minutes of cardio, if you can maintain it.” But avoid going overboard on cardio. You’ll just burn off muscle.  
Best strength training exercise: Work your whole body to create balance. Over-working one area can lead to uneven muscle tone, especially since you bulk up easily. “It’s easy for mesos to over-train,” says Groeger. “Make sure to allow enough time for proper recovery between sets and workouts.” For each exercise, do four sets of 15-20 reps, using the same weight for each set. Choose a weight with some resistance, but not heavy enough that your muscles max out by the end of the set. Allow your body one to two minutes of rest between sets.

Best stretching maneuver: You build muscle quickly, so your muscles can get really tight. Stretching will help you avoid injury by increasing your flexibility. If your shoulders and back are tight, then stretching will relax the muscles, allowing you to stand up straighter. “You’ll appear taller and leaner when your posture improves,” says Hodgson.  


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