Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Workouts: -20lbs

I started a new workout this week by Women's Health Magazine. I found it on pinterest it is toted as The Fastest to Lose 20+ lbs. I decided awhile back that I was going to try all the workouts that I have found interesting on pinterest. This is the first one I am trying that is an actual plan. I printed out the schedule for the 4 weeks and am sticking to it pretty much to the letter. Yesterday I wanted to do a few more arm exercises and leg exercises so, I did them. However, to try and be as faithful to this idea of seeing if sticking to only the plan will give the results that it says I will. I will be honest I am really not used to having so many rest days. I don't really do rest days they aren't my style. However, to be able to give an honest review of this workout I will keep the rest days and stick to just the workouts the plan has laid out. I will be honest and say I ended up doing "girl" push ups for all but 14 of the 24 done in the workout. I had to do the "girl" ones because I hurt my toe oddly enough not working out but, switching from one exercise to the other I some how stuck my toe into the hardwood. Go figure right lol. Anyways it was only a slight alteration to the workout and I can say even with my few adds of leg and arm exercises I am a little tender today. Tomorrow I will do cardio like the plan says to do. Today though is killing me doing nothing is killing me I am used to working out every single day and not working out is not like me I feel lazy but, I will keep to this plan I promise. The other thing I am not looking forward to is weighing in every Sunday I normally only weight myself once a month keeps me from getting discouraged.

I will update about this workout again about the workout on June 30th which will be my last day with it then I will be picking a new one or a new group of them depending on my mood come that time =)

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