Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weight Loss Tips: Workouts

I told you I would one day talk about workouts well tonight's the night I get most of the workouts I do from the internet. Mainly pinterest here lately. I also rent DVDs from Netflix which means I make my monthly expenditure work for me. I also watch workouts streaming from Netflix. I also look up workouts on You Tube.

Yes, I am a cheapskate lol. I mean come on have you seen the economy here lately it isn't possible for most of us to buy something super expensive. At least I know can't afford some of the more famous workouts that everyone seems to be raging about. Would I like to try one of those plans. HELL YES! Will I? HELL NO! I like to be able to have a roof over my head, gas in my car and food in my belly. Which means I work with what I have as many of you do I am sure. This is one of the many reasons I love the internet because I am able to find things for cheap or free. I keep my Netflix subscription because well I don't go out much and we don't have cable so, it is really my only means of entertainment. So, if I have to forgo seeing Bridesmaids for a week or more to try out a new workout plan I will.

Last month I did just that and I rented Results Fitness: 10 days to a better body. I loved the workout and I was able to lose 12 pounds during the time I did the workout. My legs, arms, butt, and stomach all tightened. The work out is broken up into two 30 minute segments and you pick one to do each day. One is upper and the 2nd is lower.When I read the reviews online about the workout I thought it was going to be super easy because so, many people said it wasn't very challenging to them. Well let me tell you the first time I did it I ended up running to the bathroom to puke during the warm down. I have been working out for three years mind you and I push myself pretty hard most of the time like to the point I feel like I might pass out. 

The first workout I did was the Upper body 30 minute work out. The DVD asks for a set of heavy hand weights and a set of light hand weights. I used 2lb and 3lb hand weights with 1lb wrist weights because that is what I had at the time. The DVD calls for 2-5lb for the light hand weights and 8-10lb for the heavy. If you don't already own weights I recommend buying the hexagonal weights because they will help you to not injure yourself with some of the moves. I have recently bought myself 3 different sized hand weights 3, 5, and 8lb I got them at Wal*Mart because they had the cheapest price for the set of 3. I spent a little under $40 bucks.

Since I rented the DVD I didn't get the meal plan so, I just stuck with my own 1200 calorie meal plan. Which from what I read in the reviews is what the daily calorie allowance was for the meal plan guide. Since I had to stay within the 1200 calories a day I ate a LOT of veggies and negative calorie foods which I will list tomorrow when I am not so, sleepy.

I would recommend this DVD and any of the 10 Minute Solutions that they have on streaming since I tried all of those last month as well. They all worked really well for me and I was happy to have a few new workouts to love and when I have the money I plan on buying the DVDs for my collection of workouts. If you haven't noticed yet I really do take my fitness seriously and I like to have fun with it because that is how I am able to keep my self motivated to do my workouts.

So, I say go out on the internet and see what workouts you can find for free and get down and have some fun. =)

PS Canned food and milk jugs can be used as hand weights in a pinch

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