Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Love Food

Well... I actually don't love food I love good food. I was brought up eating really balanced meals and have always been in love with fruits and veggies. I mean I was the kid who if you offered her a whole cantaloupe or a whole gallon of ice cream would pick the cantaloupe every time. "Wait then how did you get up to 380 pounds?" Well... um... yeah long story short I ate A LOT of crap food when I was with my ex-husband. When I say crap food I mean mostly Taco Bell and Mc Donalds. Again I am going to repeat I am not going to ever say you can't have something because I am a F-I-R-M believer in moderation and your dietary choices are between you and your own doctor. Now that I have that out of the way I am going to say how I typically eat.

Like I said before I grew up eating "healthy" low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar, high-fiber, etc. I used to and still do get upset when my food is too salty or too greasy. Now however, they call how I eat something new and different they call it "Clean Eating" which basically means you eat food like God made it. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc. However, with clean eating they don't want you eating anything processed meaning no convenience foods. Well as it says in my about me section I am a college student I don't make a lot of money and there are days that between work and school I don't have time to eat everything fresh so, I eat some processed foods. I know shame on me promoting a healthy lifestyle and not being completely at one with the latest fad lol.

I do like eating clean though I am happier and I feel better when I eat fresh foods. I also don't really eat sugar I feel like death when I eat too much sugar my body is a very picky temple to say the least. I don't really like white bread or white flour so, I use a lot of wheat flour and eat multi-grain or whole wheat bread. Like I said before I love good food which means I want to eat something that has flavor to it. I am constantly teased by my friends because they have watched me have a mouth orgasm over a fresh fruit salad. There was also the day that I stood in the kitchen eating an awesome Monterrey jack cheese sandwhich on a slice of whole wheat french bread; my eyes rolled back slightly. I was also just reminded about the day that I made an egg white breakfast burrito where I slammed my hand down on the counter and made "yummy noises". That was a  good burrito.

Anyways I need to move on because now I am getting hungry lol. I eat healthy foods I add flavor without adding fat or tons of sodium. I buy cheeses with a good flavor to them breads that have flavor and I use herbs to help flavor my foods. Seriously people your spice cabinet will be your best friend. I always have garlic powder, onion powder, and chili powder on hand because they give good flavor to foods. If you don't like those use other flavors you enjoy. Always remember fresh herbs and veggies always taste better than freeze dried they also give more flavor. =)

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