Monday, June 11, 2012

Recipes: Awesome Breakfast burrito

Last night I talked about one of my favorite breakfasts. The reason it is one of my favorite breakfasts is because I can make it ahead of time wrap it in foil throw it in the fridge then when I am ready to eat it throw it in the toaster oven foil and all. Quick and easy right?  Another cool thing about this recipe is you can make it in bulk and freeze then just reheat the same way just takes a bit longer. Like I have said before I am a college student with little to no time most always. Also this meal is really quite healthy and it is only 175 calories when I make it exactly right lol. Anyway here it is my Awesome Breakfast Burrito recipe.


6 Table Spoons Egg whites I use All whites (50 calories)
1 Teaspoon Salsa I typically use La Victoria (3 calories) but I prefer homemade.
1 Teaspoon Bacon bits real bacon bits  (13 Calories) sometimes I use half a piece of really crispy bacon turkey or normal
.25 ounces of cheese I use Kraft - 2% Mexican Style Cheddar Jack Shredded Cheese since that is what seems to always be in the fridge lol (10 Calories)
1 Whole Wheat Tortilla I use Romeros brand (99 calories)

1. Measure out your egg whites, bacon bits, Salsa, and Cheese and mix in a bowl.
2. Dump egg mixture into a pan and scramble until done.
3. Let the eggs sit for a minute while you heat up your tortilla until it has a slight crisp but it still nice and bendy.
4. Place your tortilla on a plate and place your eggs onto the tortilla.
5. Fold in two sides of your tortilla this will be the bottom and the top now roll it up like a burrito.
6 eat or wrap with foil and throw in the fridge or freezer.

I know I probably didn't have to put 6 steps for the recipe but, I am anal about being thorough. Now if you are anything like my mom at the site of egg whites only you have turned up your nose. I was like that too but, really they are quite yummy. This recipe is exactly what I use when the burrito equals 175 calories. Now there are times where I want a little more meat and I add in some turkey sausage instead of the bacon. I also love Monterrey Jack cheese which I will use instead at times too. When I make my own Salsa it equals about the same amount of calories because it is the same thing really tomato, onion, and peppers. I mean really this is a versatile breakfast. I just like to keep the calories low on it because I am a coffee drinker and I like flavorful creamers like chocolate caramel creamer which adds about 70 calories to my meal making it 245 calories in total when I make it exactly as I laid it out in the recipe above.

Yes, I know it sounds a bit spastic to keep my calories at certain amounts for my meals but, it is what works for me. I make sure to eat between 200 and 300 calories at my meals because I like to have the option of desert at the end of the day and still keep my calories close to 1200 calories. Funny thing is when I write out my food diary on days where I eat properly all day I have a TON of food because I do eat mostly fruits and veggies which are low in calories and high in nutrients.

Yes, at first all of this was hard on me too I still wanted to eat a ton of food because I thought I needed lots of food at each meal but, I really didn't and I don't. I eat believe me I eat but, I eat better and smarter than I ever did before. I started out just making little changes first eating the foods I always ate just eating the portion size. After that I changed out french fries for apples or carrots and celery. I kept going like that until I started trying new foods like olives. I tried them as a kid and I hated them so, I never ate them again well last Thursday I was given a plate of food with a 7 layer dip I didn't want to be rude so, I tried it with them in it and you know what I liked them.

So my advice for tonight get out their and try new foods you never know you might just like them =)

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