Saturday, January 12, 2013

Long time no write

Well I haven't written in here much since September not much has really changed with my life except that I was accepted to the University I wanted to go to. I am pushing forward with my goals to become a dietician and nurse. I haven't been working out much because I was having some trouble with my health mostly just burn out I think. To the left you can see my progress over 2012 only down 50pounds between pictures making it the year I lost the least amount of weight since I started out but, I am still happy about it.

With that being said below on the right you can see that I rearranged my room to make it easier for me to work out. I am also really excited to say that the new school has a rec center where I can swim. I am hoping will help me even more with my weight-loss/fitness goals. We all know my first love is the ocean and anything that gets me closer to surfing is my happy place.

I hope that everyone else is having an start to their years. I am going to try and post more nutrition type posts on here since I am now just a student without a job. With tons of time to kill between classes on Tuesday's 10:30 am until 6pm to be exact. I make no promises to write more often but, I do promise to try at least.

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