Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heat Wave

It has been pretty warm here enough to have me run the air in my car a little bit before shutting it off to save gas in stop and go traffic. However, since we are on such a limited budget we do not run the air at the house. We have ceiling fans in every room and double panned windows which do tend to keep the house cooler than outside. Doesn't mean it is a comfortable cool though just not dying hot for the most part. Now you might be asking yourself "Why is she talking about the heat?" Well this is why I am talking about the heat; did you know the you burn a TON of calories just trying to regulate your body temperature? Well it does I am tired and lazy tonight so, maybe tomorrow I will post a link as to where to find this information out at but, not tonight. Just think about the fact that sweating means you are expending energy when you expend energy you are burning calories when you burn calories you have the ability to lose weight. So look at the heat as a blessing sent to help you lose weight =)

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