Monday, July 2, 2012

July = New work out

Yeah I am a day late but, I am starting a new work out for July. It is of my own too well sort of I am going to borrow from and use their calender as a sort of guideline but, I will be adding in my own stuff as well. I am really just wanting to spend this time while I am laid off from work focusing on my classes and on my health. Like I have stated before I was put on a new diet. Well the new diet is because they checked my thyroid and while it is still within the normal ranges it is a bit on the low side in order to fix this so, I don't end up with a messed up thyroid I am doing a complete overhaul of my diet.

The diet that the doctor has given me has a lot of restrictions that my whole family seems to think is no big deal since it is the diet they are on and don't follow. However, I am going to follow it. My life depends on it and unlike the rest of them I refuse to throw away the life I have been given because I don't like change. Anyways the restrictions are...

  1. Gluten I am supposed to cut down/ cut out gluten
  2. Refined flour aka white flour cut it out
  3. Refined Sugar cut it out but I can have raw sugar and natural sugar subs
  4. White rice cut it out It's cool I like brown
  5. More Iodine and Selenium
  6. More protein but, less meat
  7. more Fiber but, less gluten flours
  8. Avoid soy
  9. Less Milk =( I can still have cheese and yogurt but less 
  10. Low Glycemic less sugar basically diebeticish.
There is more I am sure but, most of it I do already. You know eat more veggies eat more fruits eat less fat etc. etc. etc.

The whole giving up gluten and watching my sugar and trying to figure out how to get more of the certain minerals into my diet without having to eat stuff I don't like is a slight challenge but, I am rising to it. Which is why this month is a month of new for me. I figure since I am having to research a way in which to still eat how I like but, in a way healthier manner  I will be able to help others with their food options. I am also taking all of my knowledge of exercise and building a workout that will help me shed the last 40lbs and tone all the areas I want to tone. I am determined that by this time next year I will be wearing a bikini.

So, take July and make it scream for it's mommy I know I am =)

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