Friday, June 8, 2012

I hate my workout

I posted how I was starting a new workout that I found on pinterest the other day and I have to say I hate it. I find that yes it is challenging my body aches and I feel it but, I am just bored by it. I don't like how many rest days it has. I rest on Sunday Tuesday and Friday. Yes, I am going to stick with it and finish out the month with it but, I just am not a fan of it right now. Just so, everyone knows yes, I am getting results with it already and it has only been a week. I have lost about 3 pounds with it but, that isn't anymore than I normally use with one of my more intense work outs.

Now you might ask yourself what should I do if I just hate my work out. Well I say change it make it more fun for you. If you hate doing something you aren't going to do it. We all know that so, find something that makes you want to do it. I LOVE I mean L-O-V-E pilates and yoga. I will do any routine that is based on these two forms of exercise. I know if an exercise program has the moves I know to work in it I will do it. I also like plans that I don't have to use any equipment in because they make it easier for me to do anywhere. I used to stay in different places there for awhile but, that is another story lol. However, for me that was no excuse to not work out.

I have started doing some HIIT workouts as well and I really do enjoy them because they are so intense and I just feel awesome after I wake from my coma from doing them lol. For those who don't know HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Which basically means you do strength training for about a minute or more then cardio for a minute and back to strength training for half an hour. It is a real kick in the pants even with the beginner levels for it. Think Insanity that everyone is always talking about but, that is not the only HIIT workout out there either.

Yes, I am going to stick with my workout even though I hate it because I want to be able to say I did it and I lose this much or I didn't but, I have already picked out my next workout starting on July 1st =)

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